Preston Road
CT12 5BA
Preliminary Notice – Annual General Meeting for the year ending 31st December 2023
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Kent Branch will be held on: Saturday March 16th 2024 at 10:30 am In connection therewith all members are requested to note that All Notices of Motion and Nominations for Officers, Office Bearers and Management Committee members of the Branch must reach the Hon Secretary by midnight on 2nd March 2024. The following are the current 2023 Officers and Management Committee Members of the Branch: a) President Mrs Donna Thomas This year the following Offices and Management Positions will become vacant and the current holders of these offices are eligible for nomination for a further two-year term: a) Vice Chair Two Year Period The following positions on the BMC are by appointment of the Branch Management Committee and expressions of interest are cordially invited : Trophy Officer. Nominations for all the above mentioned Offices and Management positions are invited from Members, all of whom must be in current membership of the RLSS UK. Nominations must be submitted on the Official Nomination form included in this notice and bear the Signatures of the Nominee, Proposer, and Seconder. Click here for the nomination form. Nominees may submit a 150 word profile of themselves to be included with ballot papers in the event of an election having to be undertaken. Voting where required shall take place at the AGM in accordance with clause 6.3 of the Branch Constitution. RLSS UK Individual members with voting rights for RLSS UK AGM may vote at the Branch AGM The Annual Report and other relevant documents for the Branch AGM will be issued only to Members of the Branch Management Committee, all Past Presidents, Local Managers of the Branch and Affiliated Member Groups However, any member of the Branch wishing to receive these papers other than those already mentioned may receive them provided they request a copy from the undersigned, no later than 17th February 2024. All such requests should be accompanied with a Stamped Self-addressed Envelope 35cm by 25 cm (A4 document) in size stamped to the value of £1.45. Signed : Andrew Griggs Honorary Branch Secretary Address – 24 Darnley Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 0PJ or e-mail |